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Happy New Year! I was shopping with my sister one day when I saw this great sign. As a psychic reader who gets lots of questions about what will happen in the future, I thought this sign was speaking to me.

Who better than a psychic to give this sign a home? However, I didn't want to be preachy about how I view future readings by displaying the sign, so I took a picture of the sign and walked out of the store. I later found it under my Christmas tree. My sister was definitely more tuned into spiritual messages than I was.

I just love this sign. It succinctly sums up my philosophy about "reading" the future. It's not that I can't receive information about how things will most likely unfold in people's lives. It's all about attitude and personal responsibility.

Future readings are based upon how the person is presently handling their life. The future is not written in stone, set and unchanging for all of eternity. Our free will and the choices we make shape our future. Our choices are greatly dictated by subconscious patterns and beliefs and how we have mentally and emotionally processed our life experiences.

I have to admit that one of my pet peeves in doing psychic work is the question desperately asked about when will I meet Mr. Right or do you see me being successful. It's not that I lack compassion or understanding that someone wants to experience more love and more prosperity in their life. I support those goals for myself and others 100 percent. But taking this approach is like putting the cart in front of the horse.

Let me explain. When someone asks me this kind of question, the first thing I tune into intuitively is what is going on in their life right now. Do I see this part of their life flowing or do I see blockages or old patterns getting in their way? Do I see other people interfering with them or getting them sidetracked? Do I see that they are so busy taking care of everybody else that they have no time and energy left to work on their own goals? The present is the foundation that future outcomes are built on.

So when asked a question about the future, I will always talk about the present. Exploring the present and what is going on in a specific part of someone's life provides a rich trove of information to share with someone. Perhaps my intuitive insight into a pattern they may not be aware of may help them change that pattern so they can more easily reach their goals.

I receive much more specific and personal information with this approach than trying to download some specific time frame with the wave of my magical wand. I believe it is ultimately more helpful to address each person's circumstances than to be told that Mr. Right is coming in three months. If Mr. Right is coming in three months, then I can just continue to sit on my sofa and wait for him to ring my doorbell. I can find love without ever having to leave my house or do the work of loving myself and self-development.

I also find that I receive more future-oriented information when the person is actively working on their goals. This is because they are energizing their aura or energy field to be moving in a specific direction. They have taken the responsibility for their future and it definitely shows in the quality of information I receive.

I hope this information is helpful in showing you a more effective approach to working with a psychic or intuitive in helping you reach your goals.

"Tis the season to be spooky. It's Halloween time and I just love this holiday and the fall season. It's a playful holiday where people, no matter what their age, act like kids. The normally beautiful landscaping of houses in the neighborhood are filled with skeletons, ghosts, tombstones and all kinds of fun decorations. The majority of people wouldn't dream of keeping pink flamingos or giant blow-up characters on their lawn normally, but on Halloween people get creative and fill their yards with graveyard scenes.

Halloween brings communities together through decorations and handing out candy to the kids who are trick-or-treating. Grown-ups as well as kids dress in costumes and act the part. It's like a giant block party each year. How many normally serious adults have no problem acting like the undead for the night? Halloween is a real American tradition that we all grew up with.

Beyond the way we are all used to celebrating Halloween, there is at least 2,000 years of history with this holiday. Beyond the fun and playfulness, Halloween explores the shadow side of our lives. Halloween traditions express cultural views of death, the afterlife and our connection to both.

Halloween is based upon a Celtic holiday called Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The word "Samhain" is an Irish and Gaelic word meaning November. Samhain was celebrated on November 1st which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. So just like the world lay in greater darkness, the winter season also corresponded with beliefs and rituals dealing with the "darker" side of life, conditions that are out of our control like death, chaos, drought and blight.

Samhain was seen as a time when the boundary  between this world and the spiritual world was weak. Spirits of the dead could enter our physical dimension and roam freely on Samhain. The souls of the dead were thought to revisit their homes seeking hospitality. Places were set at the dinner table and by the fire to welcome them. The belief that the souls of the dead return home on one night of the year and must be appeased seems to have ancient origins and is found in many cultures throughout the world.

In order to treat these spirits respectfully, people dressed in costumes so the difference between the living and dead wouldn't be noticed.  Impersonating these spirits or souls was also believed to protect oneself from them.

A tradition called mumming or guising was practiced where people would go from house to house in costume reciting songs or verses in exchange for food. This came from a tradition where people impersonated the souls of the dead, and received offerings on their behalf in exchange for good fortune.

Divination rituals that foretold the future were practiced on Samhain. Fire played a large part in these rituals. Large bonfires burned that symbolically cleansed people of bad influences. People would bring the flames from these sacred bonfires back to their homes to light their hearth fires . These hearth fires were considered to protect people and joined the community together as the season of darkness began.

Finally turnips were hollowed out and given grotesque faces while a candle was placed within them. These turnips represented the dead and also protected people from spirits. They were put on windowsills to protect the house from spirits. This is where our jack-o-lanterns originated from.

When large populations of people with Celtic roots like the Irish and Scottish came to America, they brought all of  these traditions with them. Our modern American tradition of Halloween is born from this.

As a medium, I work with spirits everyday. There is nothing spooky or scary about that. I work with and explore the shadow side of life and death. The more I explore and learn, the more I see a beautiful order to the universe. Each day brings a little more understanding to me about the vast realm of the unknown. My job as a medium is to prove the continuity of life beyond what is known as death. Mediums do this by bringing through evidential information during the reading, information about the person in spirit that can be verified.

My experience shows me that a spirit is simply a disembodied human being, a person who no longer has a physical body. We are all spiritual beings. During our lifetime here, we are spiritual beings with a physical body. When the time comes to transition from the physical world to the spiritual world, you will be the same person you are now. You just won't have a body anymore. There is a continuation of consciousness beyond physical life.

Exploring our spirituality is our modern way of dealing with death and the unknown. We live in a time where we are free to do so. Death is still something in our culture that needs to be talked about and brought out into the open on all levels from death cafes where people meet and end of life needs are discussed to experiencing communication with those who have passed.

I don't know about you, but I have lived a good portion of my life being super responsible and driven by duty. While this has taught me many wonderful lessons such as perseverance, discipline, strength and independence, I have also allowed my sense of responsibility to overshadow my creativity. This is what work life balance is all about: balancing my responsibilities with enjoyable activities that nourish and renew me.

Creativity is a portal to access your spirituality. However you like to express it, the very act of creativity uplifts your mood, broadens your perspective and inspires. Those are all spiritual qualities. Your very own unique creative expression is your opportunity to experience your soul nature.

It doesn't have to be a grand gesture such as painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It can be something as simple as planting flowers, drawing a picture, singing while you're driving or knitting.

I am a big believer in spirituality being practical and useful in our daily lives. Creativity helps shift our minds from looking at the glass half-empty to being half-full. The half-empty mindset is caught up in the problems, the daily grind and what is missing in our lives. The half-full mindset empowers us to see all of the blessings we already have in our lives. It helps us to imagine opportunities and possibilities and lifts us up above believing we are powerless to make change in our life.

We always have a choice in any situation, even if it only the choice to choose how we see something. This means we are always empowered and no one and no situation can take that away.

Creativity is using the power of imagination to take action, to change course, to be proactive. Imagination is the first step to being able to change our circumstances. First you see the possibility in your mind, then you put it into action using your creativity. Spiritual insight speaks to us through our imagination and then that moves into the physical realm, into our lives when we take action.

I am writing about this because my creativity has been calling me for years, but it has been getting a busy signal. I realize that the only way to create positive change in my life is through my creativity. Taking time to daydream is just as important as keeping your nose to the grindstone. Both abilities are needed to reach our goals.

My challenge to myself and to anyone who wants to be challenged is to take an idea and run with it. Get inspired and then do something about it. It's how spirit rolls.

Welcome to my first blog post on my new website. I am so excited to launch this new venture. Reading has been my passion my entire life. I can’t think of anything I love doing more. For the almost 30 years I’ve been reading, my interest has never waned. My launching this website is a rededication to serving the best part of myself and others.

Readings continue to amaze me and teach me new things every day. What I love most about doing readings is seeing the beauty in others. One of my favorite things to say is that I’ve never seen an ugly spirit. Tuning into a person’s energy and seeing them from a spiritual perspective is an uplifting experience, hopefully for both parties.

The person I see at the beginning of a reading is different than who emerges throughout the reading. I can start by seeing a business person, an artist, a biker, a stay-at-home mom or a student. The way we present ourselves outwardly can be a creative expression, but it is only capturing a portion of who we really are. It’s like the outer layer of an onion. Readings raise my awareness. This insight peels away the outer shell and reveals what is underneath all of these labels.

What is hidden from our normal waking mindset that goes to work, pays the bills and takes the kids to school is who we really are. You can call it our spiritual selves, our souls, our higher selves. It is our essence, our consciousness. This is what survives physical death. This is what I see when I do a reading, whether on a person or a spirit who no longer has a body. What I see is as beautiful and pure as a baby. I see someone filled with love. I see brilliance. I see wisdom. I see a great sense of humor. I see compassion. I see talent. I see strength.

The same insight applies to problems. People get readings because they feel blocked with a situation in their life. I see the problem as a lesson being learned that you have the ability and strength to move through. I see support that you are receiving from your loved ones in spirit and your guides.

So I will come back to what I say on my home page. Readings are about validation. Validation is what we are all seeking. Sometimes when we are having a hard time validating ourselves, we need someone to remind us that we are okay and that we can handle whatever is going on in our lives. This is my mission statement and why I do this work.